Cost of things – Fruit/Starbucks/Deodorant



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I have been trying to compare the price of things here versus back home, and some things are glaringly more expensive. Fruit is really expensive here. I saw a watermelon for sale at Home Plus for $17. Other fruits are pretty expensive as well. Starbucks here doesn’t have Venti, but the largest one they have a grande is about $8 for a Mocha Frappuccino. Deodorant is expensive as well. A can of Axe deodorant spray is $11, and unfortunately, there are Axe and Axe as choices. 2 Liters of Soda at Home Plus are $2 or $3 at the convenience store. A Box of Kellogg’s cornflakes is $7. Milk seems closely priced. Meat runs a bit higher depending on what you buy.

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Ryan Shapiro

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